Friday, November 20, 2015

5 Easy Steps to Charm a Girl

Want to know how to charm a girl? You may have seen some guy chatting with a girl, and the girl laughing in delight and calling him a charmer. Sounds nice, doesn't it?
Being complimented as a charmer by a girl is one of the best compliments any guy can ever get from a girl. It's not about looks; it's not about your physique or even your geek quotient.
It's purely your wit and how amazing you are at charming a girl.
How to charm a girl

So what exactly is charming a girl? Charming a girl isn't about flirting with her or touching her in places.
You'd know you're charming a girl when you make her feel so happy she could kiss you right there!

It's a pretty nice feeling, isn't it? Being a charmer?
We'll tell you the five really important things you need to know to charm your way into a girl's heart. You can exchange a lot of looks and share an intense eye contact with a girl, but you can't charm her with that.

To charm a girl, you need to create an impression beyond looks and your swagger. If you want to know how to charm a girl, firstly, it all starts with a conversation. And it pretty much ends there.
Charming a girl is all about how you communicate with her and make her feel happy. Use these five tips and you'll get there before you even know it

Converse about what she likes
You might think this is unnecessary. Most guys do. Most guys wonder why they have to talk only about something a girl likes. Why can't girls talk about what a guy likes too?Of course, girls can. Girls do take an active interest in trying to get to know what guys like to talk about too.
But at times, especially when you're trying to make an impression, it's always better to be aware of what's going on in a girl's mind. Now talking about what a girl likes doesn't really mean couture, diamonds or cosmetics. The bridge between girls and guys has narrowed down a lot these days. It's really easy to have an interesting conversation without breaking into a sweat. Stay away from tech reviews, calculations and sports and you should be fine.
Flatter her
When you talk to a girl, it's easy to get her talking back to you. But that's not enough. If you want to know how to charm a girl, you need to make her feel comfortable, but at the same time, let her know you're interested in her.
Friends don't charm each others pants off. So if you're going to talk to her like a friend, she may think you're a great guy. But she won't think you're a charming guy. To be seen as a charming guy in a girl's eyes, she needs to see you as a dating potential. And to do that, you need to flatter her.
Don't go saying yawn-inspiring things like 'you look beautiful', 'you're so pretty', or something along those lines. It's too boring and so-not-genuine. Instead, be vaguely specific when you compliment her. She's got a new hairdo? Say something like: "You look really cute today. Is that a new hairstyle?" Cute is a nice word to use because men hardly ever use that word. So when you do use it, she knows how much you mean it. Don't say "Is that a new hairstyle? Gosh, those hair extensions really do wonders to your eyes. It's gorgeous." That makes you sound like her hair stylist or her gay best friend.
By flattering her, you can do three things with one line. You can warm her up and make her smile. You can make her realize that you find her pretty. And thirdly, you can let her know that you find her attractive. All of which you need to do to make her look at you as a dating potential.
Be funny
Now that you've got her all smiling with a good flow of flattery and great conversations, it's time to get into her personal space. All of us have personal spaces and we feel very uncomfortable when someone steps into it unless we're comfortable with them. To make her feel comfortable, you've got to make her have a good time with you. Now we can't really tell you how to make a girl laugh. But we can give you two pointers to help you. Don't tell her any jokes. Be happy when you talk to her.
Sounds vague? Firstly, telling jokes straight out of a book is stupid. Instead, tell her about a funny *real or made-up* incident she can relate too.
And be happy when you talk to her if you want to charm her. When you're happy, the whole world smiles with you! If you're smiling and feeling happy, she'd smile back and be happy too. But if you're nervous, you'd definitely make her feel uncomfortable.
Flirt with her
Guys flirt with girls all the time, but sometimes, a girl can think a flirty guy is creepy. So don't overdo your flirting skills and gross her out. One of the best ways to start flirting is by being casual. Ask her what she does on weekends or after work, ask her about her favorite hangouts and restaurants, and just about anything that can be remotely personal. She'd know you're hitting on her because no one really asks all these questions otherwise.
And out of the blue, pop this question:
"Hey, this is personal, but do you have a boyfriend? If you do, my heart's just going to shatter into a million pieces right now!" Corny, yes. But it always works its magic!She will laugh, but this line gets your intentions across straight, and she'd know you're interested in her. But don't make things awkward by pausing after she answers the question. Go on talking about something else like that question meant nothing to you. Your intentions will be made clear, and yet, you wouldn't make her feel uncomfortable around you.
Touch her
This is dangerous ground, but something you need to learn. You do want to know how to charm a girl, right? So touching her at the right time completes the five pointers you need to know about how to charm a girl. If you get this right, you've obviously made a great impression.
Now touching a girl is like playing with fire. Too quick a touch and you don't feel the warmth. Too long a linger, and heck, you'll burn! See how dangerous it can be?
You can send a tingle up her spine with a simple touch if you've warmed her up already. But remember this. Touch her only if there's a reason to touch her, like touching her ear lobe when you're complimenting her earrings, brushing her hair aside when there's a gust of wind, or placing your hand on her back while crossing the street. A touch is very personal, so you really need to be careful and see how she reacts to your touches before you touch her again.
If you want to know how to charm a girl and impress her, use these five steps the next time you meet a girl you like. And you'll see how great an impression you can make in the very first conversation!

5 Tips To Make People Love You Instantly

Believe me or not, nothing beats making yourself lovable. Lovable in the sense that you belong to the small group of people in the world that don't need to try so hard to be loved by the people around them. Before now you should have noticed a small number of people from this category of human beings around you. You have either had an encounter with them knowingly or unknowingly but after the encounter you feel like, an angel has just visited you. They are the center of attraction, they walk with confidence, they are wise and intelligent, and they are angelic and very rare to find in this our world that is full of greedy and evil men.
Everybody want to be like them but at the long run they give up because they find out that making oneself lovable is more than just what they initial think it was.

How would you like to be among this group of individuals? Won't you like to be among the small fraction of this angels on earth? Let me tell you, even if you are the most hated in your school, where you work or among your peers, you can still spin the hands of the clock around to click towards your direction just like me and so many others. Let me tell a brief story about myself.
I am one of those guys that hardly make friends, my closest friends then were those that I grew up with in a small rugged area here in my country. They were those friends that I have met accidentally.
While so many of my peers will easily attract potential friends, hook up and be friends with other people so easily I had to try so hard to make people like me, be friends with me. Unfortunately, even if the friendship is eventually set up, it will die off because the friendship will lack the nutrition to grow and move forward. I have always being cowing around under my fa§ade of loneliness, had nobody to talk to and play with. Nobody was attracted to me I had to make friends blindly because I had no option.
As years flew by, I had to overcome my challenge so as to live a better, meaningful life, love and be loved by the people around me. Here is the 5 reasons why lovable people are being loved and cherished by the people around them:
They Are So Confident
Confidence is not being selfish, it is just trying to live a defined life, knowing what you want, going after it and never giving up until you achieve your goals. Being confident is also holding yourself in high esteem, love yourself, because you have to love yourself before you can attract people who will love you because they like the attributes you portray. Be yourself and never try to imitate others because you can only be the best when you are the best and original version of yourself.

They Have a Good Sense of Humor
With time I started getting the comment, €you are funny€ from people when I converse with them randomly. Lovable people have so many words up in their brain to turn any conversation of any type into a happy and memorable one for anybody they exchange words with. It will always make them popular among my peers, in school and everywhere that they step into my foot into.

They Listen To People
The best part of it, I started listening to people when they talk to me. I kept quite while they talk to me about themselves and their problems. I learnt a lot about people, and while I listen I evaluate on better ways to help them out.

They Take Other People's Problems upon My Head
After listening to people talk to me about themselves and their problems, I will always tell them what I think will better their life and if it was a problem that needs solution, I will sleep with it, make it ruin my night sleep, I will always make sure that I help the individual solve the problem or at least refer the individual to a place that his/her problems will be solved. I helped people through my health, beauty and fitness blog, I engage people in conversations to council them on how to make their life a better one.

They Influence People Positively
I did not only help people out from their problems, I influenced them. To many kids, I became their role model, someone they will always look up to while making a sketch of their life plan for the future. I lived a corruption free life, a life free from greediness, lies, theft and every other bad things that can tarnish my image. Inasmuch as I can never be perfect in living a pure and clean life. I tried my best to at least minimize the number of bad things I do.

With time, parents started using me as an example to their children. I became the center of attraction in school, home, and among my peers. People will always be happy around me because I will always create a welcoming atmosphere around me.
If someone like me can do it, I believe you can. You need to see my past life, I have always being the villain in a place where I was supposed to be the hero. Things changed when I implemented this 5 life changing points into my life. Use it and you will experience the change I experienced.

9 Things Men Notice First About Women

Have you ever wondered about the things guys notice first about girls? Well, ladies, men are not so difficult to understand since they are actually straight-forward so it can be easy to find out what things guys notice first by watching them carefully each time they meet a woman. Check out a few interesting and even surprising things men notice first about women.
A beautiful smile is one of the things most men notice first in a woman. Smiling woman is considered to be much more attractive and approachable. She sends the signal of happiness and optimism. Thus, it's much easier to start a conversation with a smiling woman. I know it's not so surprising since everyone likes to look at a person with a beautiful smile. But men always feel confident and more masculine with a smiling woman. Moreover, smile is a very contagious thing: when you smile to someone it provokes the smile in return.
Numerous studies have proved that smile stimulates more positive reaction. When a man first meets a woman, he notices her nice and genuine smile. So, smile more often since you never know who may be falling in love with your beautiful smile. However, make sure your smile isn't artificial. You should smile only when you feel like smiling. The true sign of a sincere and natural smile is typical wrinkles around our eyes. Moreover, all our appearance shows that we are happy and satisfied. Practice in front of a mirror to find out your most charming and magnificent smile to make him fall in love with you.

Another common thing men notice first about a woman is her eyes. I'm sure you've heard that the eyes are the windows to your soul. They can tell us a lot about a person. It can be easy to find out if someone is lying to you or simply telling the truth. Eyes are real magnets that can attract and interest a stranger. Surveys have shown that nearly 70 % of men pay attention to woman's eyes first and only then to everything else. Don't believe that it's chest that men firstly pay attention to! It's always easier for men to compliment woman's eyes since women respond very approvingly to compliments about their eyes rather than other parts of the body.
There is also another stereotype that men like women with large childish eyes. I would tell that correct make up will do the trick! Mascara, eye liner and nude shades will make your eyes more appealing! If you want to attract him, try to keep eye contact for a few seconds. This way, you will clearly understand if there are any chances to continue with your acquaintance.

Sure, men notice a woman's beautiful and healthy hair. Trust me, all those hours spent in the hairdresser's chair are not in vain. Most guys think that a stylish, healthy, shiny and sleek hair is a sign of health and youth. Also, you need to know that most men like to be with a woman with natural and soft hair that smells good too.
Although most men like a long hair on women, I know many women who wear bold colors and short hair cuts, and they look really awesome! I think men are just afraid of everything that looks unusual and striking. If you feel confident with your hair, don't change it. Wear any color and length you like, but make sure your hairstyle suits you.

Weight is one of those things most men notice about women. It may sound shallow, but it actually makes sense. You've probably heard that men prefer women with curves, but you still catch evaluating glances on your thighs and legs. These glances can make you doubt that you're beautiful. But, he's not judging you, he's just noticing.If you are starving yourself to death in order to be skinny, you can breathe with relief and quit it! Studies show that not all guys like skinny girls. So find your comfortable healthy weight and stick to it. Stop dieting! Eat healthy food, exercise and you will never have to bother about your weight. If he doesn't like your body shape, don't take it too personal. After all, a true love knows no barriers. If your crush doesn't like your weight and he says it to you, he doesn't deserve your time.

Perhaps you think that chest is the first thing guys notice when they meet a woman. But, you are wrong; guys are not as superficial as many women think. Numerous polls and surveys have shown that men notice a woman's chest only after her smile and her eyes. Breasts are usually considered to be a sign of youth and fertility, and it's one of the reasons why most men pay attention to woman's chest.
However, tastes differ. What is beautiful for one man is uninviting for another. Thus, do not worry about your breasts. Just wear appropriate underwear, and consider doing weight-lifting exercises.

How fake are you?
Men also notice how fake women are. If you have hair extensions, fake eyelashes and nails, he will definitely notice it. For most men, fake means high maintenance and large expense. While fake eyelashes might draw his eye, he won't like them. If you want to get the guy you like, make sure you look natural. Learn to conceal your drawbacks and show your beauty without looking like a doll. Choose light foundations, nude shades and pink blushes. Instead of hair extensions, opt for a good quality volume shampoo and volume styling products.

Okay, it is not a surprise for you, I know. Most men love slim legs and this is another thing they notice about women. In summertime legs are one of the greatest attractions that a woman possesses. Calves are another thing men love about our legs. They love the way our legs look in skirt and shorts. They love the way we cross our legs and they love to admire our knees. Despite the wide-spread stereotype about slim girls, men really love strong hips! They give a signal of your fertility and femininity.
If you don't have long legs, don't worry. Make sure you provide your legs with good treatment and any guy will notice them. I moisturize my legs each day and take care of my pedicure every other week. I don't have long legs, but my partner says that my legs are more beautiful than long ones.

Most men also pay attention to the way a woman's skin looks. Numerous surveys have showed that a man sees a good complexion as a sure sign of health. Most men think that a woman with a healthy-looking complexion is healthy and she can produce healthy offspring.
In order to attract a man, your skin should be soft and smooth. Always cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin in the morning and before bed. Never sleep with your makeup on and don't forget about exfoliating. Moreover, make sure you get enough sleep and reduce your stress levels.

Dressing style
Probably, it's a surprising thing but most men do notice a woman's dressing style. A recent study has found that most men prefer a classy dresser to a woman who shows too much of her skin. Men love some mystery about women, but half-naked body reveals all the secrets. A great sense of style can tell a lot about you, keep it in mind! Your perfume and makeup tell about your taste. Your heels and accessories reveal your lifestyle and sophistication. Your outfit shows your confidence and attitude to life. Don't think that men are not aware of fashion and trends. They do notice everything. If needed, improve your sense of style to look and feel more confident.
In fact, there are many things most men usually notice in a woman, so can you add any other things to this list? What do you think of this list? Share your thoughts in the comments section, please.