Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Search Engine Optimization with Social Networking

I wanted to share a few things that have had a great leverage not only me, but many, if not all people when sharing about yourself and you promotions, especially on Facebook. First of all as we all know Facebook is hands down the best way to reach your spectators, no matter what you're promoting. With over 750 million users (and growing) you will undoubtedly reach your target market. As long as you have the time Facebook is by far the most powerful "Social" Networking site. As you well know. So when you meet somebody or join a group and immediately send them your link for whatever your proposition is, you must do a little socializing first, or people will intrinsically delete it and or forget it. It's the same as "Pssst. Hey buddy! Want to buy a watch?" I personally run from that guy selling watches. Don't you? Remember People Don't Care How Much You Know Unless They Know How Much You Care.

If you are taking the time to send a message to a potential owner via cut and paste and it starts with "Hello my friend, you will lose their attention right from the start. Because it becomes distinguishable that it's cut and paste. Let's not kid ourselves we are all trying to accomplish the same thing and get our articles and services seen as conveniently and fast as possible. After all, posting links to a Website of your listings has very little to do with "Social" Networking. Try Good day (their name) Cut and paste is perfectly admissible all you have to do is personalize just a bit. Take a bit of interest in the person or group you are approaching. Click on the "Like" button for something they have offered. Observation on a photo of theirs. An extra minute of your time will make a huge difference. Here is an example of cool little message that will get better results.

We all have hectic lives. Just as you would appreciate the "Like" or comment so do other people as it shows genuine interest in them and not just spamming their wall. When you really want to make an impact with people, Video Email is bar none the absolute best way to do so. There are a few decent software's available. In any case like using any tools it's wise to use the best. My Video Talk is a primary of this type of software. If a picture can tell a thousand words, how many words can a video tell? People want to do commerce with people. So here is an effective enigma. If you're displaying your Website on Facebook. Have a video on the "Home Page." Something humble, less than a minute in duration will do. If you're camera shy make a movie (Windows Movie Maker) using photos of your self actually doing business, post it on YouTube. Then you will get twofold the bang for your buck. Facebook and YouTube are the King & Queen of the Internet and out rank EVERYBODY else.

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